HOME - - - - - - - - Overview of "FarWatchWatcher" (and Arduserver)

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Introduction to this family of pages about using FarWatch systems

This page's unique content is just a little way down the page... below the " v v v v v" s

FarWatch and FarWatchWatcher have been around since before "IoT" ("Internet of Things") became a popular expression, but they are of that world.


...is a concept, a range of hobbyist/ school-project friendly devices and software. (Not that it is restricted to those arenas!) FarWatch systems allow you to "watch" something "from afar". Not "watch" as in a live video feed, but to "watch" by watching numbers... graphs of the temperature someplace, for instance. Some FarWatch installations have an extra capability: The watcher can, for instance, turn a light on at the watched place.

This may sound terribly esoteric, but you can get started without a nuclear physicist on the team, or a venture capitalist on hand to fund the project.

http://arduserver.com will take you to my page about Arduservers, if you don't "need" httpS. They are the best developed devices for the watched place. But you can "brew your own", in any hardware you like. ("Arduserver.com" is merely more memorable for you than "https://sheepdogguides.com/ardsvr/index.htm" which takes you to the same place, via httpS.)


...are, up to now, mostly applications written to run in a Windows PC. But again, brew your own!

They access the data at the watched site over the internet (or just your LAN), and use it in various ways... for instance to display graphs of historical and current conditions, to record the data in files. Or even to set the computer beeping to announce a problem.

v v v v v v v v v v

Information on specific instances

ICH07a- Sparkfun "Thing Dev"- Esp8266 Arduserver with.. lots!

The page served should set your browser tab to "ICH07a", and begin...

Yet Another Arduserver!
ESP8266_web_server_for_FW002_Mk3-1:ICH07a's fork

Version: vers 08 Feb 17. Fork of 'Mk3'. Fork started 7 Feb 17

Created early Jan 2017...

(It has run more or less continuously since then.)

(Note to self: 22 Jun 24, by NC LIPA, responded. Tab was changed. Page said "ESP8266_web_server_for_FW002_Mk3-1:ICH07a's fork // Version: vers 08 Feb 17. Fork of 'Mk3'. Fork started 7 Feb 17@ // >!--The next line must be the 8th line of the html generated, if FW002 (or FW003) is to read it easily. (It can have an extra character at end, e.g. hhhhsttthhhhstttb)
--< // hhhhsttthhhhstttb // 0001+2207007+2201

It reports...

The processor has 1 bit of output available to the user. At present, that bit controls an LED which shines on a phototransistor. (See next.) The LED's state can be changed by anyone who accesses the webserver with a browser, and issues a command.

The processor also has "knows" the reading from an analog sensor. This is available to anyone who accesses the webserver with a browser, and issues a "read" command... read Arduserver's page carefully. It is not returned as part of the hidden, machine-friendly string that FarWatchWatchers watch.

If you go to the server directly, there are commands that let you turn an LED on or off.

Server returns like...


... which translates as follows...

At 8/21, this server has run well for years, at least for reporting the two temperatures.

The temperatures are the temperatures in two rooms, in a home south of London, near the Channel, within ten miles of https://w3w.co/masterpiece.kingpin.bongo (I hope to move one of them outside someday, but am too busy writing this for you just now!

(Note to self: This is the old one, in the NW corner of kitchen.)

I'm not sure that all of the following are working properly at 18 Aug 21. (!)

The counters: One is attached to a push button. (I was doing testing.) The other counts edges seen if a PIR sees activity in work-room. As long as any exterior door is open, a stream of pulses will be connected to that same counter.

(See also the further notes below. The counter watching the push button MAY also be watching an anemometer... counts/minute being proportional to windspeed.)

If you issue the "/read" command by adding that string to the URL, the value following "Analog Pin" comes from a phototransistor that sees only the LED controlled by the processor that serves the page. Turn LED on or off with "/LED/0", "LED/1".

Yes! It takes two steps to change the state of the LED (step 1) AND to see what the Analog input is seeing now by issuing a "/read" command. Awkward. Sorry. There IS a reason for it!

The input is connected to a toggle switch. Again... this is just for system testing. Someday I'll attach it to something significant.

See https://sheepdogguides.com/elec/misc/esp8266/Esp8266-Arduserver.htm for further details.

Confusion reigns. Sigh

(This won't entirely make sense...sorry... is mostly for me, but I hope one day to get it untangled, so it makes sense for YOU!)

At NC, 28 Aug 22, I have had a Sparkfun Dev Thing running in the kitchen for some time.

It reports ttures in kitchen and office. It reports two counters... one is windspeed, I think, and other "door open". Either door. And the state single bit hard wired to a toggle switch. Oh! And there's a momentary switch, which I THINK adds counts to the "door open" count.

I'm not sure this can be accessed from outside the LAN there. If it can, it would be on http://mon7nc.dyndns.org:1202. Let me know if you get a response from that? (My ISP doesn't allow loop-back. ARGH.)

When it runs, it returns HTML that begins...

Yet Another Arduserver!
ESP8266_web_server_for_FW002_Mk3-1:ICH07a's fork

Version: vers 08 Feb 17. Fork of 'Mk3'.
Fork started 7 Feb 17

Created early Jan 2017, using the wonderful ESP8266
Thing from Sparkfun, and the software provided by
them and by others. (See code)

The hardware that is serving this...

That hardware is monitored across the LAN at NC, using a fork of FWW005 on the WAMP server there. The product of THAT is part of the page you see if you access http://mon7nc.dyndns.org

28 Aug 22, the product is just above the "Every School Should Have" graphic.

So! (For me: You HAVE a "known good" code for the sensors just listed.)

ICH09b- Huzzah with two HTU31Ds

This reports a "tick count" and two temperatures and two humidities. Information on the sensors is at https://wywtk.com/ec/iec/iec220-HTU31D-tture-humidity.htm

cccccc stt.tt hh.hh stt.tt hh.hh

cccccc: 167936 in example. Iterations of main loop since power restored.
stt.tt: +93.75 Temperature, in degrees F
hh.hh: 29.37 Relative humidity, as a percent.

... then the stt.tt and hh.hh are repeated once.

One at https://mon7nc.dyndns.org:1206 has been running from at least August 21. At 8/22, the two sensors are close to one another, in a house. The one that provides the first humidity and tture is "against" the inside of a not very efficient front door, and the other is near it, and inside the house. The humidity reported by the first probably doesn't mean much, as there is an attempt at a thermal barrier between the sensor and the general air inside the house. It may traps moisture, and when cooler, may "attract" damp from the house's general air. (Note to self: 218.1206)

28 Aug 22, it seems to be set up as described at https://sheepdogguides.com/elec/misc/esp8266/esp8266-huzzah-i2c.htm

(More stuff just for my use: 28 Aug 22: It isn't quite what's in 7NC 1206 I don't think, but if better can't be found...


... might be worth exploring for bits that might be useful in a Huzzah (or "Thing") watching two tture/ humidity sensors on one I2C channel. Since this note was started, better programs have been written, but the old software might be worth checking for features that fell by wayside. (End of note to self!)

ICH09r- Huzzah with two HTU31Ds

At 23 Jun 24, ICH09r, by the tag on it, was loaded with software that (mis-)identified is as being run in ICH09w!

See the entry on this page for "ICH09w" for details.

That "ICH09w" was at RR 6/24.

ICH09w- Huzzah with two HTU31Ds

22 Jun 24: THERE ARE **two* ICH09w ARDUSERVERS!

But it isn't a problem! They are at different URLs...

(Note to self: one is at mon277, the other at mon7nc. Both accessible from NC, including by WAN from NC, 22 Jun 24. (^_^): The one at RR has a TAG saying the hardware is ICH09*r*.))

At 22 Jun 24, pages served by the Arduservers gave the following near the bottom of the page...

The NC Arduserver reports...

Device: ICH09w
Running program: ar202-2at312wifi
In it's 30 May 23, 19:40 version
With hardware config 23518a00

The 277RR Arduserver reports...

Device: ICH09w
Running program: ar202-2at312wifi
In it's 21 May 2023, 15:50 version
With hardware config 23518a00

These Arduservers report...

The values always the formats shown below. Leading or trailing zeros added as necessary. These report...

The last time I updated this, sensors were connected as follows:

h0, t0 and h1, t1, NC: These were indoors either side of a door from a kitchen to the hallway outside it in a domestic residence. t0, h0 come from kitchen... where there are many plants.(Information on the sensors is at https://wywtk.com/ec/iec/iec220-HTU31D-tture-humidity.htm)

h0, t0 and h1, t1, 277RR: I know these were indoors. I think they were either side of the door to a walk-in closet with a dehumidifier in it. Same sensors. from a kitchen to the hallway outside it in a domestic residence. t0, h0 come from kitchen... where there are many plants.(Information on the sensors is at https://wywtk.com/ec/iec/iec220-HTU31D-tture-humidity.htm). The dehumidifier warms the closet when it runs. That, in itself, reduces the RELATIVE humidity... but after the dehumidifier turns off, and the room cools, it should be at a lower relative humidity that it was before the event. Unless a source of moisture is restoring water to the air as fast as the air cools... sigh...

b NC: 14 Aug 23 - 22 Jun 24, this had a micro-switch on it... but that is not connected to anything! I change the state of the switch very occasionally.

b 277RR: 22 Jun 24: I'm not sure.

c0x5 NC: The least significant digits of the milliseconds the server has been running. This is most useful as a "proof of life" for the server. If it isn't rising, you may be seeing an old version of the page from a cache somewhere along the way.

c1x5 277RR: 22 Jun 24- I THINK this also has the least significant digits of the milliseconds the server has been running. This is most useful as a "proof of life" for the server. If it isn't rising, you may be seeing an old version of the page from a cache somewhere along the way.

c0x5 NC: 22 Jun 24: The least significant digits of a counter. The count rises when the door is open. It goes up by 1 roughly every 2 seconds.

c1x5 277RR: 22 Jun 24: I THINK this also has the least significant digits of a counter. The count rises when the door is open. It goes up by 1 roughly every 2 seconds.

(For my own use: At 14 Aug 23, "FWW072, ver 05 June 23, 22:20" was doing a good job of watching this... over the LAN, on VA2. FWW072, at 22 Jun 24 anyway, was not available to the public)

(For my own use: At 22 Jun 24, "FW005- Harvest data from HTTP server. Ver: Fork-of-31-Jan-19.Vers of fork:05 Mar 19." was doing an okay job of watching 277RR over WAN, pcMillie.(There were plotting issues) FW005, at 22 Jun 24 anyway, was not available to the public)

At 22 Jun 24, the at https://mon7nc.dyndns.org:1220 has been running from at least February 2022.

See also https://sheepdogguides.com/elec/misc/esp8266/esp8266-huzzah-i2c.htm which has information for those who would build their own.

(More stuff just for my use): 28 Aug 22: It isn't quite what's in 7NC 1206 I don't think, but if better can't be found...


... might be worth exploring as next starting point for Huzzah (or "Thing") watching two tture/ humidity sensors on one I2C channel.


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